There are many different reasons you might be unhappy with the way your eyes look, whether it’s the effects of aging or genetics. Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that can lift and restore the upper and lower eyelids for a more refreshed, awake look. If you’re considering eyelid surgery, then preparation is key to a successful outcome. Here’s how to prepare for surgery and what you can expect.

Stop Smoking

Smoking negatively impacts your body’s blood flow, reducing your healing ability. Not only this – it can also increase the chance of certain circulatory complications. Smoking can also take a negative toll on your skin’s quality and lead to premature aging. If you smoke, it’s essential to stop smoking ahead of your procedure. It’s best to do this at least one month ahead of surgery since your body will need plenty of time to recover its cardiovascular capacity. If you think it might be difficult to stop smoking, make sure to talk with your plastic surgeon – Dr. Diktaban can help you find the right resources to quit.

Stop Taking Blood-Thinners

Starting two weeks ahead of your surgery date, stop taking blood-thinning medications like aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen. These can also interfere with your circulation and impact your recovery. If you take blood-thinners regularly for a medical condition, make sure to consult your regular physician on whether it’s safe for you to stop taking or adjust them. You may be given special instructions on taking them for the time being. Make sure to discuss any over-the-counter supplements or medications you take with your plastic surgeon as well.

Arrange Transport Home

You won’t be able to drive yourself home after surgery because the medications to relax you will impair your ability to drive.   You’ll need to make plans with a close friend or family member to drive you home after surgery. Ideally, this person will stay with you for the first few days to look after you and take care of any child or pet care, errands, and tasks around the house.

Fill Prescriptions

You’ll be given a couple of prescriptions by Dr. Diktaban – it might include painkilling medications, antibiotics, or medicated eye drops to aid your recovery. Make sure to fill these one or two days ahead of your surgery date so you don’t need to stop at the pharmacy on the way home from surgery.

Prepare Your Home for Recovery

It’s best to set up an area in your home where you can recover for the first few days. Make sure it has a comfortable couch or reclining chair where you can keep your head elevated and sleep without disturbances. Make sure it’s also climate controlled, has a bathroom nearby, and has a storage area for snacks, entertainment, and medications. Your eyes may be dry and blurry for the first few days, so try to find entertainment that doesn’t require vision (music, audiobooks, or podcasts, for example). Also take some time to prepare reheatable, nutritious meals and snacks that are easy to grab. Finally, take care of any cleaning and tidying up ahead of your surgery date so you can recover with peace of mind.

Schedule a Consultation

If you’re ready to learn more about eyelid surgery and how you can benefit, our team can help. Contact our Upper East Side office by calling or filling out our online form.

Double Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon at  |  + posts

Dr. Theodore Diktaban, MD FACS, a double board-certified plastic surgeon with 35+ years of experience, specializes in safe and subtle cosmetic treatments, enhancing natural beauty and boosting self-confidence in the Upper East Side and New York City.

Theodore Diktaban, MD, FACS
Double Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

For over 35 years, Theodore Diktaban, MD, FACS, has made it his life's work to enhance the natural beauty of his patients in the Upper East Side and surrounding areas of New York City. As a double board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Diktaban provides the ideal blend of realistic, aesthetic, and safe cosmetic treatments and procedures.

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