The way men feel about their bodies is important, and sometimes even a healthy lifestyle doesn’t produce the physique they desire. For some men, this dissatisfaction may stem from enlarged male breasts, also known as gynecomastia.

If you’re dealing with this problem, you may have decided to undergo gynecomastia surgery with the help of Dr. Diktaban. This procedure, also referred to as a male breast reduction, can help you feel more confident in the way you look and give you the freedom to no longer hesitate when going shirtless or wearing tight fitting tops. The procedure is performed in a certified office based operating room under cocktail anesthesia.  That means, you will not be put to sleep with general anesthesia.  You will be absolutely safe and comfortable during the procedure.  There will be no IVs, no intubation and no tubes down your nose or throat.  The cocktail anesthesia has dramatically enhanced the patient experience.

Once you’ve decided to go through with a gynecomastia surgery, knowing what to expect after the procedure will help to ensure you get the best results.

How Will I Feel After My Gynecomastia Surgery?

After your gynecomastia surgery, you will be fitted with a compression garment to apply to your incision. This will be used to support the shape of your new chest and minimize bruising and swelling. Dr. Diktaban will require that you wear this garment for one to four weeks following your surgery. He will also prescribe any necessary medications to aid in your recovery.

The main types of gynecomastia surgery include liposuction, surgical gland excision, or a combination of the two. If you require the surgical removal of excess breast tissue that will not change your return to your daily activities. Dr. Diktaban will determine which of these options suit your needs and will yield the most satisfactory results. If you have looser skin, he may even suggest including a BodyTite and Morpheus 8 treatment to the procedure in order to tighten the skin.

Be sure to pay attention to any symptoms that feel abnormal. For example, if you start to experience fever, chills, chest pains or shortness of breath, seek medical attention as soon as possible. As with any surgical procedure there is the possibility of complications, so do not be afraid to contact Dr. Diktaban with any concerns.

Best Steps for Recovery

An important step you can take to ensure you have a smooth recovery is to listen to the advice of Dr. Diktaban. Before and after your surgery, he will provide you with instructions on how to care for yourself and your incisions. It will be beneficial to ask Dr. Diktaban any questions you may have about your recovery before you undergo the procedure. This will help set your expectations and give you some guidance when it comes to preparing for your recovery period.

Make sure to keep up with your scheduled follow-up appointments so that Dr. Diktaban can track your recovery progress and address any complications that may arise. These appointments may be conducted in person or remotely via a virtual setting. Attending these check-ups will also help ensure that you are healing properly. You will experience some discomfort and pain, so be patient and take your time with returning to work or physical activity. 

Getting plenty of rest is crucial to recovering from any surgical procedure. Dr. Diktaban suggests that you do not put any pressure on the surgical site or do any extensive physical activity that has potential to disrupt the area as it heals. He will determine when you are cleared to resume your active lifestyle.

As time progresses, the swelling in your chest will go down and you will be able to see your completed results within three to six months. In order to maintain these outstanding results, you should strive to keep a healthy weight and diet in addition to avoiding any medications that have the potential to lead to gynecomastia.

Schedule a Consultation

Dr. Diktaban is a double board-certified plastic surgeon and has over 35 years of experience in the field. His goal is always to enhance the natural beauty of his patients and his techniques work to create stunning results. If you’re in the Upper East Side or surrounding areas of New York City and are interested in a male breast reduction surgery, schedule a consultation with Dr. Diktaban today!

Double Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon at  |  + posts

Dr. Theodore Diktaban, MD FACS, a double board-certified plastic surgeon with 35+ years of experience, specializes in safe and subtle cosmetic treatments, enhancing natural beauty and boosting self-confidence in the Upper East Side and New York City.

Theodore Diktaban, MD, FACS
Double Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

For over 35 years, Theodore Diktaban, MD, FACS, has made it his life's work to enhance the natural beauty of his patients in the Upper East Side and surrounding areas of New York City. As a double board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Diktaban provides the ideal blend of realistic, aesthetic, and safe cosmetic treatments and procedures.

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