What is Gynecomastia?
Even when you’re at a healthy weight, it can feel embarrassing to take your shirt off in public. What’s worse, “man-boobs” are often the butt of jokes or ridicule among even people you may consider friends.
If diet and exercise don’t produce the results for reducing enlarged breasts you’re hoping for, it can feel like there are few options. It’s important to know that board-certified plastic surgeons like Dr. Theodore Diktaban can assess your health and recommend the right options for you to boost your confidence with a flat, masculine chest. Dr. Diktaban offers a personalized and highly effective male breast reduction procedure for patients in New York, NY.
What is Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is the medical term for enlarged male breasts. It can have a variety of causes, like significant weight gain or loss, genetics, drug use, or a hormone imbalance. However, sometimes a cause is not found, making it difficult to find an effective and long-lasting gynecomastia treatment.
It most often affects men that are near puberty or middle age. Gynecomastia surgery is one option that Dr. Diktaban can help you explore, which often involves surgical excision, liposuction, or a combination of both. This specific plastic surgery procedure is also known as a male breast reduction.
Gynecomastia Surgery Candidates
When opting for gynecomastia surgery, it’s important to discuss your treatment options with your plastic surgeon and regular physician. In many cases, gynecomastia can be treated with simple lifestyle changes (like losing weight or cutting out substances like alcohol or marijuana) or changing your medications. Most men experience gynecomastia at some point in their lives, usually during puberty, when hormone fluctuations are common and natural.
If male breast tissue surgery is the right option for you, then it’s important that your weight is stable and within your ideal range. Also, your body should not be subject to changes in hormone levels, since both of these factors can affect your results. You should be in overall good health and able to undergo surgery, so Dr. Diktaban will make sure to discuss your medical health during a consultation.
Types of Gynecomastia
1. Adult Gynecomastia
According to the National Institute of Healthy, about 65% of men between the ages of 27-92 will develop gynecomastia at some point in their life. Adult gynecomastia is often caused by hormonal changes as men age (or hormonal imbalance changes caused by anabolic steroid use) but it can also be caused by weight gain, genetics, or various medical conditions. Many men with adult gynecomastia have lingering symptoms from untreated adolescent gynecomastia.
2. Adolescent Gynecomastia
About 50 – 60% of boys aged 10-13 will develop adolescent gynecomastia because of hormone fluctuations during puberty. Oftentimes, adolescent gynecomastia will resolve on its own as hormonal levels rebalance after puberty and many men can achieve a masculine appearance by their early 20s. Patients with adolescent gynecomastia will be carefully monitored to see if the condition improves on its own or needs medical treatment.
3. Fatty Gynecomastia
Fatty gynecomastia (pseudogynecomastia) looks similar to gynecomastia but is a different condition that requires different treatments. Instead of a buildup of excess breast tissue, fatty gynecomastia is caused by excess fat in the breasts that is resistant to diet and exercise. Instead of breast excision, liposuction alone can safely improve this condition.
4. Asymmetric or Unilateral Gynecomastia
If gynecomastia only develops in one breast, this is called asymmetrical or unilateral gynecomastia. One breast will look larger than the other, creating a disproportionate appearance. Liposuction is typically used to treat the enlarged breasts and restore a flatter, symmetrical chest.
5. Severe Gynecomastia
Patients with severe sagging skin and excess breast tissue that looks like sagging breasts have severe gynecomastia. This type often develops in older men whose skin has lost elasticity and firmness. Men with a history of obesity throughout their life are especially at risk for severe gynecomastia since the combined weight loss and natural aging process creates a combined sagging effect.
What Happens During Gynecomastia Surgery?
There are different types of gynecomastia surgery: liposuction, surgical excision, or a combination of both. The best way to judge which male breast reduction option is best for you is by determining what’s causing your gynecomastia. If it’s caused solely by fat tissue, then liposuction may be sufficient. On the other hand, excess glandular tissue will require surgical techniques. Most gynecomastia surgery is performed under cocktail anesthesia.
Dr. Diktaban may also recommend certain surgical excision techniques based on how elastic the surrounding skin is. If you have looser skin, then BodyTite can be used to tighten skin at the same time. Either option can be performed in our in-house, certified surgical facility in New York City.
The liposuction method can be performed under local anesthesia with a very small incision, resulting in virtually invisible scars. During this technique, Dr. Diktaban will insert a cannula and surgical vacuum to gently break up fatty tissue and remove it. Once complete, the incisions are closed, and you’ll be fitted with a compression garment for your recovery.
During the surgical technique (with or without liposuction), incisions are used to remove the excess breast tissue, because liposuction alone cannot remove firm glandular tissue. Men who have lost a lot of weight might have excess, loose skin that requires excision in order to reposition the nipple and areolae to a natural-looking position. The result is a flatter, more lifted chest profile. Typically, incisions are made around the areola, especially if the procedure involves reducing the size of the nipple and areola or repositioning it.
Often, Dr. Diktaban may recommend a combination of liposuction and excision techniques to best achieve a more masculine chest size and shape. The techniques chosen for your male breast reduction will depend on your goals and the amount and type of tissue present, and whether you have excess skin. Dr. Diktaban will explain the best plastic surgery techniques for your procedure during a consultation.
He is incredibly knowledgeable and confident with a terrific bedside manner. I have received so many compliments and I am thrilled.- Chelsea”
Read MoreGynecomastia Surgery Recovery
Your recovery timeframe will depend on the type of surgery. For example, liposuction alone may require less downtime than a more invasive procedure. In either case, you can expect to take at least one week away from work, depending on your profession. During this time, you should focus on resting and avoiding elevating your heart rate – this can increase swelling and negatively impact your results.
You’ll be instructed to take prescribed medications to manage swelling and discomfort. You’ll also be instructed to wear a compression vest as much as possible to help improve your results. This is an important step because it helps reduce swelling and fluid buildup, as well as helps the skin adhere to the new contours of the chest. Dr. Diktaban will give you specific instructions on when you can start going without your compression garment, but this is typically around six weeks.
Most patients feel well enough to stop taking pain medication within a few days of their cosmetic surgery. You should avoid extensive activity, resuming your exercise regimen once Dr. Diktaban clears you for it. You should be prepared to increase your physical activity in steps, starting first with walking and lower body exercises before resuming any intensive lifting or sports.
Gynecomastia Surgery Results
Swelling will continue to subside in the months following your procedure, but most patients see their full results within three to six months. To get the most out of your results, it’s important to maintain your weight and a healthy lifestyle, as well as avoid medications or drugs that can cause gynecomastia. Dr. Diktaban will work with you to determine if there are any specific causes of your gynecomastia so that you can avoid them in the future.
Gynecomastia surgery can be a life-changing procedure for many men who finally feel comfortable taking their shirts off in public. Although there may be minimal scarring, Dr. Diktaban can recommend the best ways to help fade it during your recovery. It can take up to a year for scars to fade but once they do, you can enjoy the full impact of your gynecomastia surgery.
Gynecomastia Surgery Cost
The cost of gynecomastia varies depending on the extent of the surgery and how long the procedure takes. To determine the exact cost of your gynecomastia surgery, please schedule a consultation with Dr. Diktaban at his New York office. He will assess your chest and discuss your individual cosmetic goals to determine the cost of your procedure.
Schedule a Consultation
Gynecomastia can take a toll on your confidence, making it hard to feel like you’re at your best. To learn more about your options for gynecomastia and male breast reduction, we invite you to contact our Manhattan, New York office by calling or filling out our online form.