What is Liposuction?
Liposuction is a body contouring procedure that aims to reduce the appearance of excess fat throughout different stubborn areas of the body. The human body carries a set amount of fat cells on it that swell with weight gain (rather than increasing the number of cells). The goal of liposuction is to remove these cells through surgical techniques so that they no longer affect the appearance of a given area.
Most liposuction procedures involve only a few small incisions through which a cannula, a thin, hollow tube, can be inserted to break up fatty tissue and remove it with gentle suction. Other liposuction methods involve the use of laser or radiofrequency energy to generate heat and tighten loose skin. Often, liposuction is also used to enhance the results of another plastic surgery procedure. For example, liposuction is often used as one part of a mommy makeover, tummy tuck, or Brazilian butt lift.
Liposuction Candidates
It’s important to know that liposuction should not be considered a weight-loss procedure. As such, the best candidates for liposuction are those who are at or near their ideal weight, but have some fat deposits that disrupt their ideal body contour. Before undergoing liposuction, your weight should also be stable so that it won’t be subject to fluctuations that can negatively affect your results. It’s also important to discuss any plans for becoming pregnant in the future, since this can also affect your liposuction results.
Liposuction can be performed to contour many areas of the body. Some of the most commonly treated areas among New York City patients include the abdomen, flanks, back, hips, thighs, upper arms, or neck and chin. Prior to your procedure, Dr. Diktaban will evaluate your treatment area to determine if you are a suitable candidate and which technique will yield your best possible liposuction results.
What Happens During Liposuction?
Liposuction surgery can be performed at our certified, on-site surgical suite. As is standard practice, tumescent liposuction, whether performed with traditional liposuction or newer technologies like laser liposuction, uses a tumescent solution injected into the treatment area to both numb the area and reduce bleeding and bruising. Once you’re comfortable, a tiny incision is made and the cannula is used to break up the underlying fat with gentle movements, after which the unwanted pockets of fat are removed with a surgical vacuum from multiple areas.
There are multiple options for liposuction tools, including power-assisted liposuction and RFAL (radiofrequency-assisted liposuction), which utilize their various energy sources to liquefy the fat for easier removal. The heat generated by this process can also contract loose skin and deep tissues, which makes it ideal for those looking to remove stubborn fat cells and ensure the skin doesn’t look hollow after the procedure.
After the surgical procedure, your incisions are closed and you’ll be fitted with a compression garment for your recovery. Most patients require only local anesthesia, but some will require general anesthesia and will need to arrange a ride home after their procedure. This is especially true for patients who are pairing their liposuction procedure with another plastic surgery.
RFAL Liposuction
Radiofrequency-assisted liposuction, or RFAL, is a liposuction procedure that can be performed under local anesthesia. Prior to suctioning away fat deposits, a transmitter is inserted into the treatment area to direct radiofrequency waves through the fatty tissue. This essentially liquefies fat, which is then suctioned away from the body using the suction device. In addition, the radiofrequency waves stimulate new collagen production, creating a skin-tightening effect. The result of RFAL liposuction is both reduced fat and an overall firmer, more toned appearance.
Results and Recovery
Although liposuction can require less than a week of downtime, you can expect residual swelling to last for a few months, with your final liposuction results emerging around three to six months after undergoing liposuction. You can expect some discomfort within the first few days, but this can be managed with prescribed medications.
You should wear your compression garment according to Dr. Diktaban’s instructions throughout your recovery time, since this can help reduce swelling and help the skin adhere to the new contours. Although you can walk and move around in the few days after surgery, you should wait a few weeks before you return to your full exercise regimen. Most liposuction patients return to work about a week after their plastic surgery.
Dr. D was kind, efficient, professional, understanding and allowed me to give myself a gift that will last for the rest of my life.- Meg”
Read MoreLiposuction Cost
The cost of your liposuction surgery will vary based on different factors including anesthesia, the extent of your surgery, and any other procedures that you may add to your cosmetic surgery. You’ll receive a full cost estimate of your liposuction surgery and an expert recommendation on achieving your cosemetic goals during your free consultation with Dr. Diktaban.
Cocktail Anesthesia
Cocktail anesthesia is Dr. Diktaban’s preferred tool for ensuring your procedure is relaxing and low-risk. Dr. Diktaban has used cocktail anesthesia for surgical procedures for over 10 years with resounding success. Patients are safe and comfortable during the entire procedure. It is predictable and consistent for men and women of all ages. There are no IVs or any tubes down your nose or throat. Patients describe the experience as “floating comfortably” rather than dropping into sleep from IV sedation. Patients are even allowed and instructed to have a light breakfast before coming to the office for their procedure. The cocktail anesthesia entails the ingestion of a few pills followed by two medicine injections into the arm. One big advantage with cocktail anesthesia is that during body contouring procedures, the patients are able to turn their body into different positions that enables Dr. Diktaban to sculpt their bodies in an enhanced manner. The following list of procedures can be performed under cocktail anesthesia: browlifts, facelifts, eyelid lifts, necklifts, liposuction, BBLs (buttock enlargement), fat transfer to the breasts, breast lifts, FaceTite, AccuTite, and BodyTite. Learn more about how cocktail anesthesia can transform your surgical experience during your consultation.
Schedule a Consultation
Liposuction is an excellent option for refining your contours and putting the finishing touches on your targeted areas after weight loss or when you still have localized fat deposits that don’t respond to diet and exercise. To meet with Dr. Diktaban and explore your options for liposuction in Manhattan, contact our office by calling or filling out our online form.