You’re likely familiar with the rhinoplasty as one of the best ways to improve and correct many different facets of the nose like the bridge, tip, nostrils, and more. However, you may not be familiar with the preservation rhinoplasty technique, a nose reshaping method of achieving more natural, long-lasting results. Here’s what to know about it and how Dr. Diktaban can help transform your facial profile.

How Does Rhinoplasty Work?

Understanding the preservation rhinoplasty technique requires learning something about the traditional rhinoplasty. Traditional rhinoplasties can get rid of a hump or bump in the bridge of the nose by shaving down the cartilage and bone that give it structure. It’s performed through an incision across the columella (or strip of skin between the nostrils) or incisions inside the nasal passages – called an open and closed rhinoplasty respectively. From these incisions, your double board-certified plastic surgeon can change many of the different aspects of your nose to achieve a more symmetrical, harmonious, or balanced look.

How is a Preservation Rhinoplasty Different from a Traditional Rhinoplasty?

Preservation rhinoplasty is a technique that can more effectively reduce humps or bumps in the bridge of the nose. During a traditional rhinoplasty, cartilage and bone are removed from the top of the bridge, altering the visible structure and look of the nose. Any natural lines are fundamentally changed and, in the hands of an unskilled rhinoplasty surgeon, can be a telltale sign of modification. A preservation rhinoplasty, on the other hand, removes bone and cartilage from the bottom of the nose’s bridge, maintaining the visible lines and contours of the natural nose while still reducing any bumps or humps. The result is that it achieves drastic improvement in the shape of the nose while still looking natural and consistent with your unique features. In short, it still looks like your nose, but with a more proportional shape and profile.

What are the Benefits of Preservation Rhinoplasty?

The preservation rhinoplasty’s biggest benefit is its natural and undetectable results. However, there are a few additional benefits. The first is that, because the top part of the bridge remains unchanged, your results can be much more long-lasting and less likely to require a revisional rhinoplasty (as can be the case with traditional rhinoplasty). Secondly, the preservation rhinoplasty doesn’t affect the soft tissues of the nose. The nose’s soft tissues naturally contain a large number of blood vessels, which is why the traditional rhinoplasty typically comes with long recovery and substantial swelling. This means that the preservation rhinoplasty comes with much less downtime, letting you get back to your schedule faster.

Schedule a Consultation

Interested in learning more about the preservation rhinoplasty technique? Schedule a private consultation with Dr. Theodore Diktaban at our Upper East Side office by calling or filling out our online contact form.

Double Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon at  |  + posts

Dr. Theodore Diktaban, MD FACS, a double board-certified plastic surgeon with 35+ years of experience, specializes in safe and subtle cosmetic treatments, enhancing natural beauty and boosting self-confidence in the Upper East Side and New York City.

Theodore Diktaban, MD, FACS
Double Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

For over 35 years, Theodore Diktaban, MD, FACS, has made it his life's work to enhance the natural beauty of his patients in the Upper East Side and surrounding areas of New York City. As a double board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Diktaban provides the ideal blend of realistic, aesthetic, and safe cosmetic treatments and procedures.

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